Information for authors and presenters
Invited speakers for TOMs 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 have been allotted 30 minutes (including time for questions). Please plan your presentation accordingly to meet the 30 minute maximum.
TOM 3 invited speakers are allotted 20 minutes (including time for questions). Please plan your presentation accordingly to meet the 20 minute maximum.
Presentation upload:
Speakers are requested to upload their presentation prior to the conference.
Send your presentation via this link by Wednesday 3 October:
Title your presentation including the information of the Topical meeting it belongs to, e.g. “TOM1- High speed silicon photonic transceivers”
It is advisable to take the presentation with you on a USB stick just in case.
It is also possible to upload the presentation onsite to the computer in the meeting room. Please take care to do this well in advance to the talk (on a break). We have people to help with this during the breaks.
Presentation format:
Please bring your presentation on a USB mass storage, and include all video files. File formats: ppt, pptx and pdf. A Windows-based presentation computer will be provided.
For Mac users:
To make sure your presentation is displayed correctly, please bring your presentation as pdf-file with fonts embedded or restrict yourself to Arial/Times New Roman (not Times)/Courier New (not Courier)/Symbol/Wingdings when creating your ppt- or pptx-file
Technical equipment:
Technical equipment (presentation computer, video projector, and laser pointer) will be available on-site. It is not possible to use your personal laptop. If you need sound for your presentation, be sure to let us know well in advance (Wednesday 3 October)
Presenter registration:
All presenters are asked to register by 15 September. Choose the status “invited speaker” to get the fee reduction.
ORAL PRESENTATIONS (reviewed papers)
Time slots:
Presenting authors are allotted 20 minutes (including time for questions). Please plan your presentation accordingly to meet the 20 minute maximum.
Speakers are requested to upload their presentation prior to the conference.
Send your presentation via this link by Wednesday 3 October:
Title your presentation including the information of the Topical meeting it belongs to, e.g. “TOM1- High speed silicon photonic transceivers”
It is advisable to take the presentation with you on a USB stick just in case.
It is also possible to upload the presentation onsite to the computer in the meeting room. Please take care to do this well in advance to the talk (on a break). We have people to help with this during the breaks.
Presentation format:
Please bring your presentation on a USB mass storage, and include all video files. File formats: ppt, pptx and pdf. A Windows-based presentation computer will be provided.
For Mac users:
To make sure your presentation is displayed correctly, please bring your presentation as pdf-file with fonts embedded or restrict yourself to Arial/Times New Roman (not Times)/Courier New (not Courier)/Symbol/Wingdings when creating your ppt- or pptx-file.
Technical equipment:
Technical equipment (presentation computer, video projector, laser pointer, and microphone) will be available on-site. It is not possible to use your personal laptop. If you need sound for your presentation, be sure to let us know well in advance.
All presenters are asked to register by 15 September.
There are two poster sessions during EOSAM 2018:
Poster session 1: Tuesday 9 October, at 18:00-20:00
Poster session 2: Thursday 11 October, at 13:00-14:30
Please check from the schedule to which poster session your poster presentation is assigned:
Poster authors are requested to be present at their posters during the official poster session assigned to them.
Print your poster in advance to the conference. Poster set-up and removal is in the responsibility of the authors. Any posters left on the boards at the close of the conference will be discarded. Poster numbers will be displayed on the poster boards to show authors where to place their poster.
Required poster size: The posters should have a size of DIN A1 (594 x 841 mm) or DIN A0 (841 x 1189 mm) in a portrait format (no landscape format). Pins will be provided by the organiser.
Companies with accepted industrial posters for Topical Meeting 3-Optical System Design, Tolerancing, and Manufacturing, are asked to register in Conftool
The posters will be presented during the whole time of the conference in the conference session room (TOM 3).
Companies are asked to deliver the poster onsite (either personally or by postal mail). The fee for posters is 100 EUR (excl. VAT 24%). Companies with VAT number will be exempted of VAT (VAT number needs to be indicated in the payment phase). Size for the poster is DIN A1 (594 x 841 mm) or DIN A0 (841 x 1189 mm) in a portrait format (no landscape format).
At least one author of an accepted presentation is requested to register properly in advance to the conference. All presenters should register by 15 September, 2018. The registration fee includes full-time admission to the topical meetings and sessions, admission to the industrial exhibition, poster sessions, welcome reception, lunches, and coffee breaks. Tutorials and Autumn Physics School are also included in the registration fee. Conference dinner fee of 50 EUR will be added to the registration fee if chosen (seating limited to 200 guests). Registration is necessary for all topical meetings and accompanying events.
Location: ground floor of TU Delft Aula Conference Center, Address: Mekelweg 5, 2628 CD Delft, Netherlands
Monday, 8 October 09:00 - 16:00
Tuesday, 9 October 08:00 - 16:30
Wednesday, 10 October 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday, 11 October 08:00 - 17:00
Friday, 12 October 08:00 - 13:00
Information / Receipts / Confirmation of attendance
Attendees requiring a payment receipt or confirmation of attendance may obtain these documents on-site at the EOS registration desk. Please note: Cash will not be accepted at the registration desk. Only credit cards will be processed. The only acceptable credit cards are VISA and Mastercard.
The registration fee includes the proceedings of EOSAM 2018, including all accepted abstracts of all topical meetings held at EOSAM 2018. The EOS does not publish conference proceedings with extensive papers. Authors who wish to publish in-depth papers are welcome to take advantage of the special publication offer from JEOS:RP (see next paragraph). This publication offer is an option but no obligation.
Attendees of EOSAM 2018 are welcome to submit a paper to the Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid Publications (JEOS:RP). JEOS:RP is a peer-reviewed open-access journal which is listed with ISI Journal Citation Reports.
A special issue on EOSAM topics will be published, and all authors are invited to submit. A selection of the best articles will receive discount from the APC, or a complete fee waivering.